A dental cleaning twice per year is the cornerstone of good oral hygiene. And at Cavalier Family Dental, we want you to have cavity-free teeth and strong, vibrant gums now and in the future. Periodontal cleanings are a more urgent matter, and a method that is resorted to when you've suffered the effects of missing your scheduled dental cleaning at our office.
Plaque is like a bacterial film. It's invisible. It's sticky. It is responsible for the onset of gum disease. It's really that simple. Certainly, the sugars and starches in your diet play a role, because they fuel the formation of plaque. But what matters most is getting rid of plaque to the extent possible. It's why you brush your teeth first thing in the morning, and then again before you go to bed. It's also why you floss vigorously prior to sleep. Whatever amount of plaque manages to evade the reach of your toothbrush and floss will harden into tartar. Our
Canton best dentist will make sure that you get the dental cleaning you need when you make your six month visits. It serves two vital purposes. First, it removes tartar buildup and any leftover plaque. That's huge, because it creates less opportunity for future gum disease to flourish. But equally, if not more, important is that our Canton best dentist can assure you that is reverses the effects of early stage gum disease, also known as gingivitis. It is only when gingivitis is allowed to continue progressing, and reaching the advanced stage of periodontitis, that a periodontal cleaning is in order. It's similar to a dental cleaning, but deeper and more thorough. It requires getting down to the roots to clean out the plaque and tartar.
Canton best dentist would like you to benefit from proactive and preventive treatment. Please schedule our dental cleaning right now so that your gums will stay in the best shape they can be.
By Cavalier Family Dental
May 29, 2018
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