Dentist in Canton MI
A tooth that has been rescued by root canal should be just as strong and durable as any other tooth in your mouth. In order to promote its longevity, we at Cavalier Family Dental suggest that you have the necessary follow-up care. By doing some simple things at home, and staying aware of rare, but possible, complications, you'll be putting the odds distinctly in your favor for a successful root canal by our
dentist in Canton MI that will last you long into the future.
Why is root canal required in the first place? When the outer protective layers of your tooth become compromised due to a large cavity, deep filing, chip, or crack, bacteria can find its way inside and cause an infection in the pulp. Or an injury or other accident can harm the pulp. In any case, the most outwardly identifiable sign of needing root canal is pain when you chew with the tooth or apply pressure to it. Under the worst case circumstances, that can might be excruciating. Our dentist in Canton MI removes the damaged pulp and nerve, cleans, disinfects, and seals off the canals, and then fits you with a crown that restores the tooth to its full size and functionality, as well as giving it full protection again. The first order of business is for you to focus on optimal at-home oral hygiene, not only to maintain the tooth that had root canal, but to help prevent any other teeth from getting to that point. Brush first thing upon wakening, and just before retiring for the night. You should also floss thoroughly before bed. Doing the above will keep the tooth clean and make a secondary infection far less likely.
Complications are not common, occurring less than 10% of the time, but if you notice any lasting pain, visible swelling, an uneven bite, or any other unusual symptoms, come in to see our
dentist in Canton MI right away.
By Cavalier Family Dental
October 23, 2017
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